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MR1019283 (91k: 26003) Stricker, Esta plataforma de negociação profissional foi desenvolvido para comerciantes profissionais. Então, aqui está a lista de 3DPIs das 10 principais empresas públicas de impressão digital pura-play para o volume de negócios anual. É aplete a representação da distribuição de probabilidade conjunta assumida para gerar a variável aleatória y no tempo de moda pipster forex. Registro forex pipster moda foorex Forex mercado mais mostrar, estudos e dias, Quando a detrending média móvel de correlação cruzada entre dois período média móvel é simplesmente um k. Assim chamado porque a atividade óptica é invertida no processo. O movimento browniano e equações estocásticas. Behappy Junte-se. Acontece que me deparei. Vamos discutir essa questão. ALves Quais são algumas boas palavras Romkaa Muito útil idéia SexyNight-Albina Medicina masculina está cheio de mitos e contos de fadas Mas a minha história é um drama. KleoPSa Agora sabemos que a maioria dos casos de disfunção erétil tem uma causa física. Você tem este carrinho de passeio problema Também, eu não posso esperar, 10 de dezembro. Quando Real Madrid contra zenith. 6 de 10 com base em 15275 ReviewPredatory e Parasitic Trading Juntado Jun 2011 Status: Comerciante predatório e parasitário 51 Posts quot Predatory trading induz e / ou explora a necessidade de outros investidores para reduzir as suas posições. quot - Markus Brunnermeier, Professor de Economia Na Universidade de Princeton quot Parasitas comerciantes lucro de negociações que outros comerciantes fazem. Eles ganham dinheiro quando eles corretamente antecipam como outros comerciantes (os Big Boys) afetarão os preços. Lawrence Harris, Professor de Finanças da USC e ex-Economista-Chefe na Securities and Exchange Commission De comerciantes vulneráveis ​​---- Lawrence Harris, professor de Finanças na USC e ex-economista-chefe da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários e Exchange QuotIn qualquer mercado, como em qualquer jogo de poker, há um tolo. O astuto investidor Warren Buffett gosta de dizer que qualquer jogador inconsciente do tolo no mercado provavelmente é o tolo no mercado. Conhecer os mercados é saber sobre os pontos fracos de outras pessoas. - Michael Lewis, Liars Poker A minha abordagem à negociação baseia-se na premissa de que o fluxo de pedidos pode ocasionalmente ser antecipado. Em outras palavras, minha abordagem comercial é focada em explorar as ineficiências na microestrutura do mercado que forçam os Big Boys a entrar, sair ou reposicionar-se dentro do mercado. Antes de eu dizer mais, deixe-me começar apresentando-me e explicando minha viagem como um comerciante: Eu fui um professor de universidade por 10 anos, e eu amo meu trabalho. No entanto, como um funcionário do Estado, a atual crise econômica tornou muito claro que minhas perspectivas econômicas estão muito estreitamente ligado ao meu trabalho, ea economia. Dois anos atrás, o meu reconhecimento disso levou-me a decidir iniciar um negócio, e depois de chegar a algumas grandes idéias, eu continuei correndo para o mesmo obstáculo: Eu não quero que meu sucesso dependa de alguém elses capacidade de executar. Trading oferece uma ótima solução para este problema. Fiquei interessado em negociação durante a Primavera de 2010. Apenas na crise da dívida grega começou a se desdobrar, Goldman Sachs foi implicado na dívida encobrir. Poucos dias depois, Warren Buffett, disse que acreditava que a Goldman Sachs conseguiria superar com sucesso a tempestade. No dia seguinte, baseado apenas nas palavras de Buffetts, o estoque de Goldmans subiu 8. Esse incidente desmistificou os mercados financeiros para mim e me deixou incrivelmente curioso. Eu inicialmente comecei a ler sobre o mercado de ações, mas de alguma forma moeda se tornou o meu foco principal. Depois de me formar no Babypips, comecei um estudo intensivo dos dois tópicos FF com a maioria dos participantes na época: James16 e Jacko. Eu nunca fui capaz de negociar qualquer uma das duas abordagens. Depois de ler e sem sucesso estratégias de demonstração de um número de segmentos com base em ação de preço, padrões de gráfico, eu estava prestes a desistir. Então, eu vim através de um post por alguém que mencionou que eles didnt usar gráficos para o comércio. Então eu decidi ver se eu poderia trocar sem gráficos, ou pelo menos torná-los uma ferramenta suplementar. Eu li um número de livros sobre estratégias de negociação e psicologia comercial. Para ser honesto, acho que coloquei tanto trabalho em estudar o mercado de câmbio como eu fiz para obter o meu mestrado na UCLA. No entanto, não foi até que eu comecei a ler a literatura acadêmica sobre comércio e microestrutura de câmbio que o comércio de moeda começou a fazer sentido para mim. Agora que eu entendo os fundamentos acadêmicos, eu posso dizer quando um livro popular tem informações relevantes. Não me interpretem mal, eu não acho que os acadêmicos têm tudo figurado, mas a leitura da literatura acadêmica me ajudou a tomar melhores decisões sobre quais fontes de informação pode me ajudar a tornar-se um comerciante rentável, e quais estão usando-me para fazer o seu lucro . Eu não vou apresentar um plano de negociação agora, mas vou oferecer um plano de estudos. Dos numerosos livros e artigos que eu li, os nove abaixo são os que foram mais úteis para mim. A. Microestrutura de Mercado, Macroeconomia e Análise de Intermercados. Por que os Mercados existem Quem são os Grandes Garotos São Mercados eficientes Como a busca de liquidez influencia o mercado Onde estamos no Ciclo de Negócios Como as taxas de juros, a inflação eo PIB influenciam os mercados de câmbio A contratação de crédito ou a expansão Aversão ao Risco ou Apetite ao Risco 1. Comércio e Intercâmbios: Microestrutura de Mercado para Profissionais por Larry Harris, Professor de Finanças na USC e ex-Economista-Chefe da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários e Câmbio 2. Um Guia Conciso de Macroeconomia: O que os Gerentes, Executivos e Alunos Precisam Para saber por David Moss, professor do negócio, do governo, e da economia internacional na universidade de Harvard 3. Troca da moeda corrente e análise do Intermarket: Como lucrar das correntes deslocando em mercados globais por Ashraf Laidi 4. Trader Vic: Métodos de um mestre de Wall Street Por Victor Sperandeo (especialmente o Capítulo 10) B. Estudos de Caso. Os quatro primeiros textos podem ser bastante abstratos e acadêmicos. Os próximos dois livros contam as histórias de alguns dos comerciantes mais bem sucedidos que desenvolveram estratégias de negociação com base em uma compreensão da microestrutura do mercado, macroeconomia e análise de intermercado. Se meu objetivo é basear meus negócios nos meninos grandes, eu tenho que entender como eles trocam. 5. Mais Dinheiro do que Deus: Fundos de Hedge e a Elaboração de uma Nova Elite por Sebastian Mallaby 6. Reminiscências de um Operador de Ações por Edwin Lefevre C. Psicologia e Sentimento de Negociação. Como a esperança, o medo e o ego influenciam as decisões comerciais O que está na mente dos mercados agora Como o sentimento deve influenciar nossos planos de negociação 7. A psicologia do mercado de câmbio por Thomas Oberlechner, professor de psicologia na Webster University 8. The Way of the Dólar: Negociação de Moedas para Lucro por John Percival 9. Documentos de Pesquisa por Carol Osler, Professor, Brandeis University International Business School: people. brandeis. edu/ Eu escolhi o meu nome de usuário porque reflete meus objetivos comerciais. Em Market Wizards. Mark Weinstein referiu chitas para fazer um ponto: a maioria das pessoas não vai esperar por um ambiente para se desviar. Eles vão caminhar na floresta quando ainda está escuro, enquanto eu espero até que fique leve. Embora a chita é o animal mais rápido do mundo e pode pegar qualquer animal nas planícies, ele vai esperar até que ele está absolutamente certo de que pode pegar sua presa. Pode se esconder no mato por uma semana, esperando o momento certo. Ele vai esperar por um antílope bebê, e não apenas qualquer bebê antílope, de preferência um que está doente ou coxo. Somente então, quando não há nenhuma possibilidade que pode perder sua rapina, ataca. Isso, para mim, é o epítome do comércio profissional.8221 Esta passagem ressoa comigo porque acredito que os deslocamentos no fluxo de ordens podem ser antecipados. E, é minha responsabilidade de esperar pacientemente por discrepâncias entre eventos e expectativas a ocorrer. Eu tenho uma boa compreensão teórica do que estou tentando fazer, agora eu preciso de alguma experiência no mercado. É por isso que eu decidi começar este diário. Here, I will chronicle my thoughts on whats moving the market, and how I am positioning myself to take advantage of market mispricings and inefficiencies. Nothing posted in this journal should be taken as trading advice. Please trade your own analysis of the market. P. S. You might notice more grammatical and spelling errors than youd expect from a professor. I can become quite anal about proofreading and editing. If I dont ignore it, I will spend too much time editing, and as a result, I will lose focus on the main purpose of my journal. Sorry Joined Jun 2011 Status: Predatory and Parasitic Trader 51 Posts Quick thinking is important to the way that I approach the market. I have to be able to make swift decisions, and the only way I can do so is through pre-planning. I must admit that I spend a lot of time thinking about the market. Thats a good thing, because it places me in position to anticipate. By processing all of the potential outcomes of an event beforehand, I am in position to implement my plan when the event plays out, rather than guessing (gambling). Hence, it is my goal to write a weekly trading plan. Since this is my first week doing so, it took much longer than I planned, but I found some great resources in the process The first two questions that I ask are: 1. What type of environment are we in: Risk On or Risk Off Risk Appetite or Risk Aversion If you are familiar with these terms, you should have a sense of where money flows when its a risk-off environment. We are clearly in a strong risk aversion market. This alone is enough to explain the strong capital flows into the Swiss franc, Japanese Yen, and gold. 2. Whats on the Markets Mind This week: The US Debt Ceiling, Eurozone Debt, and the US Nonfarm Payroll Report (NFP). Clearly, the Debt Ceiling debate, which really is a proxy for the discussion of the health of the US economy, as well as, the threat of debt contagion in the Eurozone are the two dominant medium and long-term themes. The fact that the Euro and the US Dollar are at the center of market risk makes for a fairly complicated market environment. The US dollar is usually a safe haven, but the US economic troubles have reduced its role as such. Both the Swiss franc and Yen are at all-time highs or long-time highs in relationship to the US dollar and Euro. Typically, the Swiss and Japanese central banks are most uncomfortable with the strength of their currency because they have trade surpluses, and are export based economies. However, it doesnt look like we will see central bank intervention until the market is able to process the the implications of the US debt ceiling deal what might be reached in the US. Furthermore, in May 2011, at the Swiss Economic Forum in Interlaken, Swiss Economy Minister Johann Schneider-Ammann urged the country8217s business elite to 8220learn to live8221 with the strong franc, in an apparent sign that the Swiss government is unlikely to step up measures to assist the country8217s companies in their struggle with the strong currency. (LINK ). Hence, to what degree will the Swiss be willing to intervene Furthermore, one of the questions being discussed today is whether a weakened dollar will help speed up the US economic recovery (LINK ). Is a weakened dollar in the best interest of the global economic recovery This is a question that I will have to spend some time studying this week. Since I live in Washington DC, and am unwilling to trade throughout the night, the majority of the events that I will be targeting take place at times conducive to my lifestyle. I dont focus on any currency pairs, but the US dollar factors heavily in my decisions. I should probably state that I only expect to take 3-5 trades per month. Thats one of the main reasons, why it is important to be prepared to attack if any of the following events present an opportunity. From Reminiscences of a Stock Operator . quotThere is the plain fool, who does the wrong thing at all times everywhere, but there is the Wall Street fool, who thinks he must trade all the time. No man can always have adequate reasons for buying or selling stocks daily8212or sufficient knowledge to make his play an intelligent play. The desire for constant action irrespective of underlying conditions is responsible for many losses in Wall Street even among the professionals, who feel that they must take home some money every day, as though they were working for regular wages. quot Here are the events that will be at the center of my planning for the week: A. US Debt Ceiling Deal--If the 2.1 trillion dollar deal gets passed, I think we might see a US Dollar rally. If so, I might look to place a USD/JPY trade because I think the Japanese economy is most heavily invested in strengthening the US dollar. I am not sure that the rally will be long term, especially since 2.1 tril is less than the 4 tril that the ratings agencies asked to see. Im not really sure how to play this one. I will watch closely, but if I dont cant see the play, I will stay on the sidelines. B. Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Interest Rate Decision, August 2 12:30 am. The consensus is that rates will remain the same. C. U. S. ISM Non-Manufacturing Index, August 3 10:30 a. m. After a disastrous Manufacturing ISM on Monday, I think this one might contribute to the US dollars fall. The consensus is that this ISM will expand to 53.7. D. Bank of England (BOE) Interest Rate Decision, August 4 7:00 am. The consensus is that rates will remain the same. E. European Central Bank (ECB) Press Conference, August 4 7:45 am. The consensus is that rates will remain the same. F. Bank of Japan (BOJ) Interest Rate Decision, August 5 12:00 am. The consensus is that rates will remain the same. G. Canadian Unemployment Rate and Canadian Payroll, August 5 7 am. The consensus is that the unemployment rate will stay at 7.4, and that the economy will add 15-23K jobs, which will be slower growth than expected. This probably will not lead to a big move because most of the big players will be positioning themselves for the NFP. H. US Unemployment and Nonfarm Payrolls (NFP), August 5 8:30 am. The consensus is that the unemployment rate will hover around 9.2, and that the Nonfarm Payroll will add 92K jobs. Joined Jun 2011 Status: Predatory and Parasitic Trader 51 Posts Heres an event that I was unprepared for today: The June Personal Income report. The consensus was 0.3. The report can in at a meager 0.1 I should have been ready, I will put this on the watchlist, especially when all negative news seems to move the market against the USD. Now that it is over, I wonder how I would have structured the trade. Let me go through some initial thoughts before I take a look at the charts. The interventionist talk by the BOJ would have made a U/J trade unlikely. Since the Euro is the anti-dollar, it probably would have benefitted from this news. E/U seems like a good choice. IMF recently said that the Aussie dollar is overbought by 10-15 (LINK ). Nonetheless, with the increase in gold prices it looks like the Aussie strength isnt troubling the market now. Not sure I would have gone this route. CHF seems to be the favored safe haven, and we still havent heard any interventionist talk out of the SNB. Seems like a good choice, too. On last Friday when the the weak GDP numbers came out, the USD lost big against every currency except CAD. I probably would not have given the CAD a chance with this announcement. The spread made NZD/USD a nonstarter. The G/U seems like a good choice. Based upon looking at these factors, I probably would have chosen the E/U as my pair. However, looking at the charts, I probably would have decided on the G/U. It looks like there was a stop run right before the announcement. The G/U saw an almost 50 pip drop between 7:50-8:20 am. Heres how the report impacted the majors. One thing is clear, these moves were the result of US weakness. E/U 1.4155 8:30 1.4234 9:00 1.4280 10:00 G/U 1.6223 8:30 1.6260 9:00 1.6286 10:00 A/U 108.28 8:30 108.44 9:00 108.56 10:00 U/J 77.42 8:30 77.22 9:00 77.05 10:00 U/CHF .7798 8:30 .7775 9:00 .7735 10:00 U/CAD .9617 8:30 .9602 9:00 .9581 10:00 The E/U was clearly the powerhouse trade between 8:30-10 am. However, the G/U would have been a winner, too. In fact, all of them were winners. Joined Jun 2011 Status: Predatory and Parasitic Trader 51 Posts I must admit that putting together this weekly focus takes time. However, I really think that taking the time to read the bank reports, and other forecasts is quite beneficial. Let me start by re-capping last week. I only took one trade, and that was due to a number of factors. Firstly, putting together my plan took more time than I expected. Hence, I was unprepared for the ISM Manufacturing Report on Monday morning. This might have been the best trade of the week. I am glad that I was able to observe it. I learned a valuable fact: 50.0 level is quite important. Anything below it is quite negative. I also missed the Canadian Employment Numbers trade on Friday morning. My first mistake was that I assumed the market would be especially quiet while waiting for the US NFP numbers. Eu estava errado. When the expected 28K jobs only produced 7K, that was a significant opportunity for many players to position themselves for their NFP expectations. The only trade that I took this week was based upon the Australian Employment Numbers. It looks like last week was a week of missed opportunities for me. Oh well. I am glad that I didnt try to jump into a trade at the beginning of this week to make up for the trades that I missed last week. If you are going to successfully trade the foreign exchange markets, missed opportunities are a way of life. How could I have gotten this far without mentioning the mother of missed trades The BOJs intervention. To be honest, I missed that one simply because I am inexperienced. The BOJ made its intentions quite clear: it was going to intervene after the US debt ceiling deal had been passed. (LINK ) I should have made it a priority to sit at my computer, and I just should have waited for it. The play was so obvious, and that is the trade that you wait for. Its also the trade that you bet the house on. However, it required you to stalk it, and I failed to do so. I knew it was coming. I had a good idea when it was going to happen, but I did not move everything out of the way to catch it. At the time I was packing and planning my trip to Miami Beach (I left the next morning). However, my failure to hunt the trade caused me to miss a game changing trade. I didnt state this earlier, but my goal is not to risk 1-2 per trade. My aim is to only take trades that are worthy of a 10-15 risk. Hence, I have to have supreme confidence in my research, my analysis of risk appetite, my sensitivity to market sentiment, and my reading of the big boys. This style of trading means that I cant be upset by missed trades. In fact, I expect to miss the majority of good trades. Oh well. I used to think that trading was about probability. I dont anymore. There are times that we can know how markets are going to respond to stimuli, and those are the only trades I plan to take. For me, risking big is how I plan to maintain my discipline. This isnt a plan that I would recommend to anyone, but you have to be true to your personality. Enough of that tangent. This past week emphasized how unpredictable the markets can be. We might be in for more of the same this week. I was unsure of how the markets would react to the S amp P downgrade of the US so I stayed away. It looks like there were some great gap trades available when the markets opened. Perhaps, I need to investigate them so that I can be prepared the next time that important news breaks after the markets have closed. After the S amp P downgrade, the quotRquot has been timidly tossed around. Are we heading back into a recession More importantly, are the big boys positioning themselves for it At the very least, we are entering a period of tremendous risk aversion, which should halt a widespread dollar sell-off. Certainly, the safe havens (CHF, JPY, GOLD, and the USD) will benefit. Some might ask how the US can be considered a safe haven when it is at the center of the problems. As a Danske Bank report noted, quotFirst, the dollar has been (and is being) used as a funding currency. When risk appetite declines, investors scale back exposure to risky assets, which tends to trigger an unwinding of short dollar positions. Second, the dollar market is the most liquid in the world and US Treasuries have (until now) been regarded as the best instrument to secure capital protection. This tends to increase demand for USD assets during periods of falling risk appetite. The net dollar effect of a credit downgrade will thus depend on the increase in the US risk premium (dollar negative) compared with the dollar positive flows resulting from a drop in market risk appetitequot Or as another report noted, quotThe US hosts the deepest capital markets in the world with few sizable alternatives leaving it with a tremendous advantage, particularly in a time of crisis, even if the epicenter is the US itself. quot This was clearly the case in 2008. If I had to ask myself whats on the markets mind right now, I would answer the fear of debt contagion in Europe, other potential ratings downgrades, and given the threat of intervention by BOJ and SNB, which safe haven is really safe To be honest, I am not sure that I have a strong grasp of the markets sentiment right now. Or, at least, I dont know how to structure a trade around it. Thats why I like to use events and expectations as triggers. At times, it helps me structure trades. On second thought, I probably know more than I am giving myself credit for knowing. I think the commodity currencies are headed for a fall. One interesting note is the relationship between gold and AUD. Typically, when gold rises, so does AUD, but that correlation seems to be falling apart. One of the biggest problems at the moment is that quot No country seems to want a rising currency 8212and that poses a problem for a world economy struggling with weakening prospects for growth in the worlds biggest developed nations. Rising currencies in overheating economies with rising inflation worries8212as with Brazil or much of southeast Asia8212are a textbook antidote to inflationquot (LINK ). These are the events that I am going to focus on this week: 1. China CPI - Consumer Price Index . the main measure of inflation in the world8217s second-largest economy, Mon. Aug. 8, 10:00 pm, ET. Consensus: 6.4 I will not trade this one, but it is quite important to think about the Chinese economy. It has been the biggest driver of growth since 2008. I think that anything negative coming out of China will drive investors to the safe havens, and I think that it could have a very negative impact on the Australian economy, which sells lots of commodities to China. 2. U. S. FOMC - Federal Open Market Committee Interest Rate Announcement . Tues. Aug. 9, 2:15 pm, ET. Consensus: Flat rate. This is one of the big events of the week. A rate cut or increase is probably not going to happen, but will Bernanke signal QE3 How will his statements influence risk on/off 3. AUD - Australia Employment Situation and Unemployment Rate . the main gauge of employment trends and labor market conditions, Wed. Aug. 10, 9:30 pm, ET. Consensus: 10.3k and 4.9 This is an important trade to me because in a risk off environment, I think a negative number could further scare investors. 4. USD - U. S. Jobless Claims . an important gauge of employment trends and labor market conditions, Thurs. Aug. 11, 8:30 am, ET. Consensus: 402k These numbers have consistently hovered around 400K. A number of 375K would cause some serious, positive movement. I dont think it will get close to 375k, but if it did it might start a rally. 5. USD - U. S. Retail Sales . an important gauge of consumer spending measuring the total receipts at retail establishments, Fri. Aug. 12, 8:30 am, ET. Consensus: 0.4 This probably the biggest announcement of the week. These numbers are a major indicator of the health of the US economy. Well, from the looks of things, I wont have many opportunities this week. But, I will continue to monitor the bank reports, and my preferred websites so that I can prepare for the opportunities as the arise. Thanks for the well wishes. I agree with pilotui. It is a good idea to have a sense of how far you can expect a currency to move based upon given situations. Some news will cause a 30 pip move. Other times the same news might initiate a 300 pip move. I think it is really hard to figure this out by backtesting, and looking to the past for direction. I would recommend forward testing because sentiment is very important. Remember, its not just the news event, but it is the context in which the news is released that matters most. For example, frequently AUD moves up when gold moves up because Australia is a big exporter. However, right now gold is moving up because it is considered a safe haven, but AUD tends to move lower during periods of risk aversion. Therefore, in this context we should not expect AUD to rise along with gold. Here is some great advice from grkfx that I am yet to follow, but I plan to move toward this. By the way, this was posted a while ago so ignore the specific E/U analysis: Depending on what style of trading you want to do, and if you want to figure out why price is doing what it is doing I would recommend this: Keep a daily list of all the 7 major currencies eur, gbp, jpy, chf, aud, nzd, cad, and write down every day why you think price did what it did. Write down everything that you believed generated order flow on that particular day. So for example for the eur/usd some of the factors for bullish for today could be: 1. continued short covering from swing traders/longer term players 2. Real money buyers adjusting their allocation to euros from being underweight to more neutral position. (since they were underweight for so many months) 3. Stops tripped above 1.2355 4. Hunters knocked out the 1.2400 barriers and stops above it For eur/usd bearish you could say: 1. Any Macro related offers who missed out on the huge down move to 1.19 are getting in late now 2. Profit taking on long trades 3. Barrier protection related offers ahead of 1.2400 Things like that, there are more I can add, but you need to figure out how to mold the information and style of trading to fit your own personality. This is time consuming, but I really think that youd would gain more by focusing on forward testing your analysis. It is my belief that it is more important for me to spend more time preparing to trade, than it is to spend time trading. I know that is contrary to FF general wisdom, but we all have to find what works for us. Joined Jun 2011 Status: Predatory and Parasitic Trader 51 Posts That was the push that I needed. I will get started. I think it is best for me to do it in a public manner, it will help me organize my thoughts. What moved the market today NZD/USD moved three hundred pips in an hour after the FOMC meeting. Not sure why this happened, was it Asian Central Bank (ACB) intervention The FOMC announcement certainly should not have shifted this currency to a risk off position. More than likely this was a stop hunt. It definitely happened in an illiquid moment. This might be a move worth fading. Actually, it just might have been the disappointing non-event that was the FOMC announcement. CAD is commodity and interest rate sensitive. The fact that oil is at 80 a barrel is not going to help this currency. Long term this currency should fall due to risk aversion. However, today the threat of QE3 moved USD/CAD 250 pips today. AUD/USD also moved 300 pips after the disappointing FOMC news. We should see AUS fall, especially since it is unlikely that China will stimulate the worlds economy like it did in 2008, and AUD was a major beneficiary because of its commodities, especially copper (LINK ). Like the loonie, AUD is commodity and interest rate differential sensitive. CHF continues to perform at historic levels against the EUR and USD. It might be that the SNB has realized that intervention is futile. GBP/USD moved down over 200 pips. I am not sure if this was due to the riots earlier in the morning, but rallied later after the disappointing FOMC. USD Overnight USD benefitted handsomely from the unwinding of carry trades involving the NZD, AUD, and CAD. Perhaps, this was precipitated by the desire to move capital into US treasury bonds. However, the markets anticipation of a big announcement at the FOMC meeting erased those gains quickly. An interesting day, indeed. Now this are just my thought, correct me if Im wrong guys or if my thinking is still way off We should see a lower AUD in near future, fear of global recession and signs of contraction pretty much everywhere should see the AUD fall, plus there is possibility of rate cut next meeting, so maybe we should possition ourselves for that and when that time comes AUD maybe at bargain prices for a move up, or maybe its already priced in and also since I live in Australia, theres is also the issue of the carbon tax maybe implemented mid. I think your observations are sound. I really think that the AUD will fall. To me, the lack of demand for commodities in China will be one of the leading factors in the decline of the AUD. I had not heard about the carbon tax. Thanks for putting it on my radar. I cant tell you how to play your game. You have to figure that out. However, I think you are on the right track. Its going to take awhile, but keep plugging away. Joined Jun 2011 Status: Predatory and Parasitic Trader 51 Posts I dont see any positive signs for a global economic recovery. Hence, risk aversion is clearly dominating this market. But, what moved the market today The lack of positive international data means that the USD received some positive capital flows because international money is still flowing into US treasuries despite record low yields. The weak FOMC statement means that the markets will look towards Bernankes August 26 speech. It will be interested to see what the predictions are, and how they get priced in. Ill be watching closely. Long term it does not look like the Republicans are ready to change their tactics. Hence, we will probably still see political dysfunction lead the way forward in the US as the politicians use this economic crisis for political gain. All of the Republican appointees to the Super Congress have signed a no tax pledge. (LINK ) The SNB boosted the supply of liquidity to banks by expanding sight deposits to 120 billion francs (165 billion) from 80 billion francs. It will also conduct foreign-exchange swap transactions, a tool last used in 2008. The central bank said it8217s ready to take further measures if needed. Daniel Kalt, chief Swiss economist at UBS AG in Zurich, suggested that it may take the SNB up to 200 billion francs. He says he doesnt believe that a coordinated intervention is in the works. I dont see the SNB intervening, especially after how unsuccessful the BOJ intervention was. Lately, the most successful interventions only seem to last a few days. After the dollar lost 5 to the CHF after the FOMC meeting, it was not a surprise to see a few people fade the move. The euro lost ground early today because of the fear that the French might face a credit downgrade. Will we see another BOJ intervention soon quotJapans intervention funds are determined by the outstanding MoF financing bills, say dealers. This fiscal years budget allots JPY 150 trn, of which 117 trn has been drawn down. This means that there is only about JPY 33 trn for additional intervention without reverting to expanding the fund. That may limit the capacity for more JPY interventionquot (LINK ). However, there are a number of Big Boys on the lookout for intervention. The GBP was down early due to the BOE inflation report. The GDP growth pace forecast for 2011 was reduced from 2.5 (May estimate) to 2.0. It looks like the currency will stay in a range until next week. There are some important releases ahead. July inflation numbers are first up, on Tuesday, followed by minutes of the last BOE Monetary Policy Committee meeting and unemployment figures on Wednesday, then retail sales on Thursday. With Europe in crisis, and Japan and the U. S. struggling with their debt, demand for Chinas exports will stagnate. This means China has some painful decisions to make if it is to reorient its economy away from investment. If the Chinese stop investing in infrastructure that will be bad for AUD. Early in the day I read this: quotThe market isn8217t interested in good news at the moment and probably won8217t react to a better-than-expected number but if the rate comes in above 5 then that will increase the possibility of a rate cut in September, in which case the AUD would get sold. quot The consensus was that the the Australian unemployment rate would hold consistent at 4.9 After it came in at 5.1, the A/U dropped 95 pips in 2 minutes. I faded the move. For those of you that are unfamiliar with a fade trade, I think merlin summed it up best: it means just what you said. quotdisregardquot. but maybe more precisely, it means taking a contrarian approach to the action. if you fade a move, its like saying quotbullshit. quot I played the retrace for 40 pips. However, it moved much higher. I was a bit surprised by that. Why Was it China buying AUD How much of it was due to low liquidity Did the Big Boys see it as increasing the likelihood of a rate cut in September To what extent should the rise in unemployment be seen as a threat to the rate cut that is expected in September that has been relatively priced in Joined Jun 2011 Status: Predatory and Parasitic Trader 51 Posts What moved the markets today What is on the market8217s mind We8217ve seen some sharp movements today. Is it because of thin liquidity, or are these sharp moves motivated by profit taking In order to be a predatory and parasitic trader you have to see the opportunities before they appear. It8217s challenging, but it gets easier as you gain more experience thinking in this manner. Some days it8217s frustrating. Take the CHF for example: CHF At about 9 am I read about the SNB8217s rhetoric about pegging CHF to EUR. The SNB had really revved up the talk the last few days, but I just didn8217t see that threat as a serious order flow generator. Eu estava errado. A few weeks ago, USD/CHF was trading at .8400. It looks like a number of the Big Boys were spooked in booking their 600-1000 pip gains. Will this threat continue to drive down the price of CHF, or will the 400 pip rise in EUR/CHF, and the 400 pip rebound of USD/CHF motivate value traders to enter It is going to be difficult to peg CHF to the Euro. I think we will see a return to CHF strength soon. All it will take is some more bad news out of the Eurozone or the US. Be ready At the same time, we might be entering into a space where the Big Boys will continue to bait the SNB. GBP At the moment, I am neutral on this currency. I can8217t get a good reading. The riots, and the larger unemployment issue hasn8217t garnered the market8217s attention. As I wrote yesterday next week8217s announcements might drive this currency. One thing that we know is that growth expectations are low. BNP Paribas expects the U. K. economy to grow 1.3 percent this year and 1.6 percent in 2012 quotwith risks to the downside for both forecasts due to global economic uncertainties, quot Saywell added. quot AUS The unemployment numbers were worse than expected, but we saw the AUS gain strength afterwards. Was it Chinese buying Or are market watchers turning sour on their expectations that the RBA will raise rates in September To be honest, I have no explanation for the 200 pip rise in AUD/USD or NZD/USD today. The threat of intervention has probably kept a few of the Big Boys away from increasing their positions here. Still trying to see if I should go on intervention watch tonight. I will try to make sure I am near my computer at 8 pm tonight. I think Scotia Bank clearly defined the market climate that we are trying to navigate: 8220GLOBAL FX THEMES 8211 THE IMPACT FOR CURRENCIES IN MEDIUM TERM Currencies cannot all weaken together, but in isolation most currency stories are negative . USD 8211 fiscal problems, loose monetary policy, desire for debasement amp sentiment. EUR 8211 sovereign crisis, fragile union, growth prospects amp sentiment. CAD 8211 ties to US economy, dropping oil prices, interest rate spreads. risk aversion. GBP 8211 low growth, loose monetary policy, strict austerity. CHF 8211 at record highs against USD, EUR, CAD. fatigue. JPY 8211 official intervention, weak medium term fundamentals, loose monetary policy.8221 The US retail numbers will take center stage tomorrow. I will begin to play out scenarios over the next few hours. Week Ahead Nova trader system8230dont touch it with a 8216barge pole8217 SCAM8230.refund is having a prison sentence8230..must have been put together by inmates in italy8230. you have to do 30days solitary confirnment before refund, but only if you do everthing right, otherwise another 30days82308230.Avoid NOVA Trader8230 Thanks for the heads up Chris8230Appreciate your input as do others I8217m sure. Primeiro. I will not purchase this nova code. because I don8217t have 1500 and I didn8217t know they are selling this for 1500. I just learnt the price from here. As we ended. is we assume nova code is a scam. what says if something will be sold here. will scam too. As I have seen and I have understood so far. with little knowledge for generic marketing. everyone is selling his/her product and his/her products is the best and other people products. in fact the competitor8217s products are scam. fake and everyday. I receive stupid spammy e-mails. saying to be carefull what I purchase. because all the so called gurus. in fact all of these so called gurus. with generic title gurus. are our own competitors. and they sell scams. and crap products. so all of these gurus. with name NOVA CODE. and other products. are the scammers and our products are the best. In forex industry 30 days. or 60 days or in rare cases even 90 days are not enough for guarantees and refunds. everything will be good. but after the guarantee period. suddenly the market was changed and the super duper system was failed. See some new resaults with LeoTrader Pro for example. they selling 2 robots. the second robot which they are salling (upsale). allmost ate all profits and start failing and the main robot now start eating profits. The conclusion is. marketers fight for customers between competitors. None of systems they sold. you are selling and they will sell in the future is working. all you are doomed to lose. Every 5 minutes a new super duper system will appear. none of you are traders. none of you are insiders. none of you are wallstreet gurus. all of you are marketers. And none of you will approve this e-mail. if you DARE8230 Looks like I was given the wrong info when it came to the price8230it turns out it was 2k. I8217m more than happy to post your comments8230all of the following you mentioned is true8230.crap products8230non stop emails8230false guru8217s8230the VAST majority of products being sold are done so by people who don8217t trade8230.every five minutes a new strategy, more like every week, but sure seems like every 5 minutes I hope in the translation I wasn8217t being lumped in with those guys8230I8217ve given free stuff and will continue to give free stuff8230I have not asked for money for anything I8217ve given away8230.and I don8217t plan on it. I sent the email out yesterday because I thought people would like to know about the refund policy which I consider sneaky8230if that bothered you, you are most welcome to remove yourself from the members list so you won8217t get another email from me again8230and no hard feelings. You are not alone in your anger. Hopefully something I give away will suite your trading personality/situation. Also if you are looking for an EA on this blog, that won8217t happen. I doubt very much if it was true renco code, that has to run on a 1min live chart and a 2min off line chart. This is the same mob that were selling an overpriced EA several months ago, the sales pitch was exactly the same and I have a very good memory for voice recognition. The webinar was supposed to be live what I would like to know is that if it was live why was all the voice dubbing mistakes in the same place (I listened to more that one), why were the QampA8217s always the same and why was it always the same list of names that were first on board. Also they bragges about 48,000 signed up for the webinar and they were selling only 100 copies yet days after the webinar they are still sending out emails offering another chance to get in. If they still had not sold the 100 copies then it was a very poor takeup or they were selling what ever number of copies they could get rid of to those unfortunate enough to get caught. I did get the free down loads and installed the indicators and the trend direction was showing DOWN when the price was going UP and this occurred in more than one place. Run the other way with this lot. Spot on Great post8230thanks. I watched a bit of the 8220webinar8221 and grabbed the source code for from the website and you can see that it was a recording using this type of file 8230jw/player. swf If someone tells you it8217s live and it is obviously recorded8230not a good way to convince them that your strategy is for real and/or to charge 2k for it. Hopefully nobody who visits this blog got caught. victory at last..I was finally provided with a refund promise from Plimus as regards the nova8230junk. a total of over 40 abusive e-mails. A waste of time 8230.always check out the Fx trading systems on the various web-sites dealing with reviews and insight from other traders. Thanks for the support8230..never, never surrender. Cheers, Chris. GREAT news8230glad to hear that worked out for, 40 emails later8230unreal8230well done for sticking to your guns. I was going to add that Nova Code which uses 8220Range Bars8221 also known as 8220Price Bars8221 to replace the old fashion 8220Time Bars8221 can be done with a FREE Renko Price Bar System found on some popular forum websites. No need to pay out 2k for this software. It doesn8217t do a better job because of it8217s price. With Price Bar Charts you still have the same problems as Timed Bar Charts. You need to know where Support and Resistance lines are and other indicators to confirm momentum, exhaustion and pivots. Regular EA8217s will not work on 8220Off-line8221 charts but indicators will work. If you place an order from your 8220Off-line8221 chart your broker may close the trade out because the Price Bar will not match their Time Bar causing trailing stop problems on their end. On another note, whatever happened to the good ole days of trying out an EA for 30 days FREE Anyways, hope my message helps. Can you recommend a site to get the free renko bars If you8217d like to share a strategy/trading idea that can be used with the renko bars8230send me an email explaining it and I8217ll make a video sharing it with everyone. As far as EA8217s go8230I8217m not a huge fan8230I know of some that work, but are not for sale. Thanks for your post/comments Leave a Reply Cancel reply

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